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Purim High Council Logo
Sarah Yehudit Schneider of A Still Small Voice, creator of the Purim High Council

Connect to the spiritual practices of the Purim High Council throughout the year

Purple Curtain

You’re invited to the King’s Inner Chamber 

In the merit of Queen Esther having risked her life to enter the King's chambers uninvited, the King of Kings invites you, on Purim into His treasure house of Edenic lights.  These lights are the answer to all your prayers and are the source of healing for you, your loved ones, the Jewish People, and the whole world…


This Purim, we are calling on you to follow in Queen Esther’s footsteps and create a space for women in your community to come together in prayer, meditation, and movement and help bring Mashiah now.


The High Council guidebook is so profound and clear in its explanation and guidance that literally anyone, anywhere can lead one with NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE.


We are here to hold your hand with online preparation classes, marketing materials, and  personal assistance for any questions.


women coming together in joyful Purim expression

"It was so simple to follow this beautiful recipe for a profound event!"

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Create a space for your community to come together and bring Mashiah now!

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