In the merit of Queen Esther having risked her life to enter the King's chambers uninvited, the King of Kings invites you, on Purim into His treasure house of Edenic lights. These lights are the answer to all your prayers and are the source of healing for you, your loved ones, the Jewish People, and the whole world…
This Purim, we are calling on you to follow in Queen Esther’s footsteps and create a space for women in your community to come together in prayer, meditation, and movement and help bring Mashiah now.
The High Council guidebook is so profound and clear in its explanation and guidance that literally anyone, anywhere can lead one with NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE.
We are here to hold your hand with online preparation classes, marketing materials, and personal assistance for any questions.

WHAT IS THE PURIM HIGH COUNCIL?The Purim High Council (formulated by the esteemed Sarah Yehudit Schneider) is a facilitated meditation, prayer, and movement happening celebrated by women in their communities around the world. The goal: to harness the powerful new lights available on Purim (that were unlocked by Queen Esther) and direct them toward revealed good, healing, and Mashiach now.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I SIGN UP?You will receive a resource pack of short meditations, video teachings, and Zoom link to classes that will guide you to deepen into the spiritual practices of the Purim High Council. The email will also include a list of locations around the world where you can join an event.
HOW DO I FIND A PURIM HIGH COUNCIL EVENT IN MY AREA?Once you register, you will receive a list of locations and contact numbers for Purim High Council gatherings around the world. The list will be updated on a regular basis. We will send emails with updated lists of locations as well. If you don't see a happening in your area, consider hosting one yourself or with a friend. You can invite a few close friends or open it up to your community.
WHAT IF I DON’T FIND AN EVENT NEAR ME?Please consider becoming a hostess! Whether you decide to have a small intimate gathering with a few friends or create a space for women like you that are looking for an event in your area, you can do this! FIND OUT MORE about hosting your own High Council. Ready to jump in and host an event in your community. HOST AN EVENT and receive the Resource Package with all the materials that you will need to run an event.
IS IT POSSIBLE TO JOIN BY ZOOM?Although we highly recommend coming together with your local ladies, G!d willing, Sarah Yehudit Schneider's Purim High Council will be livestreamed on Zoom. It takes place at 6PM / Israel on Shushan Purim, Monday, March 25th, 2024 in Jerusalem. SIGN ME UP!
HOW LONG DOES THE EVENT LAST?The Purim High Council meditation, prayer, and movement circle lasts about 1½ half hours. However, some hostesses may offer dancing and/or Torah before or after. When you sign up, you will get a list of hostesses to be in touch with and receive more details for the specific event in your area.
DO I NEED TO STAY FOR THE WHOLE EVENT?The Purim High Council creates a sacred prayer space. It is extremely important to come on time, have your phone turned off, and stay until the end. Some hostesses may decide to host a seuda, dance party, and/or Torah learning before or after the High Council. This part would be optional. Check with your hostess for more details.
DO I NEED TO DO ANYTHING TO PREPARE?No! You can just show up and take part. That said, we encourage you to join classes given by Malka Sima to familiarize yourself with the spiritual practices used throughout the High Council journey. Recordings of new classes will be added to our Purim High Council YouTube Channel. JOIN CLASSES SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL
SHOULD I BRING ANYTHING?We encourage everyone to bring a friend or a few! You are welcome to speak with your hostess to see if there is anything specific she would like you to bring. Some women like to take a tambourine, some scented candles or a small gift for the hostess but none of this is obligatory. The main thing is to simply show up with an open mind and heart.
IS THERE A PURIM HIGH COUNCIL SCRIPT AVAILABLE IN HEBREW?G!d willing, by next year there will be.
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