Our Principles
I am in the Shehina, and the Shehina is in Me
Ruach Hakodesh
G!d consciousness
Loving presence
Circle consciousness
Sacred space between
Body and Soul
Constriction precedes expanse
Feminine Kabbala
Trusting in the process
Free choice
Radical acceptance
Grounded power
Being with what’s here
Honoring your needs
Self discovery
Creative Arts Expression
Embracing paradox
Healthy boundaries
Trusting the body’s wisdom
Welcoming all of who we are
Torah of your soul
Human to human/Heart to heart
SomaSoul Therapy with Malka Sima
Malka Sima integrates the power of Body-Centered Gestalt Psychotherapy and Polyvagal Theory with Torah, the freedom of the expressive arts, safe touch, laughter, mindfulness, compassionate presence, thoughtful conversation, and emotional release. She will help you to come into profound connection with yourself, others, and the Holy One; access your Ruach haKodesh (divinely inspired intuition); and become free from what is preventing you from fully engaging in your life.
Typically within a session, you are invited to share a challenging or stressful life experience and/or feeling experience you wish to explore. Malka Sima helps you navigate these issues from a more intimate connection to your body's wisdom, within the safety of loving presence.
As I guide you, you will learn to relate to your emotional distress in a mindful, compassionate, and body-centered way.
Moonlit Circle: Heartfelt Torah in Authentic Community
In our Moonlit Circle workshops, we invite you to experience a palpable sense of relationship with your Creator, an embodied spiritual delight that happens when integrating ancient Torah wisdom into your heart, cells, bones, and spaces. Combining Torah texts (with an emphasis on Kabbalah and the teachings of Sarah Yehudit Schneider of A Still Small Voice) with neuroscience and therapeutic practices allows for the learning to go beyond the intellect and to reach core.
The sacred space of caring community that is created in our online and in-person workshops leads to deep healing and transformation.
Our series of classes on accessing the spiritual potential of the Jewish Calendar guide you toward more G!d consciousness in your everyday moments, and brings meaning and intention to your avodat Hashem.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle touch therapy that promotes the body's natural healing capacities. CST releases restrictions in the muscles and fascial tissues, promoting health and alleviating stress. The gradual release of chronic tensions inside the body can significantly improve both physical and mental well-being.
It is a safe, ethical, and embodied type of touch. Ongoing verbal and nonverbal consent is essential and of the utmost importance. Touch is done while the client is fully clothed and a massage table is used.
Sarah Yehudit Schneider, founding director of A Still Small Voice and author of Kabbalistic Writings on the Nature of the Masculine and the Feminine and You Are What You Hate: A Spiritually Productive Approach to Your Enemies
Dan Leven, RSMT, MPC, founding director of LIFE Movement
Shirley Dvir, LMFT 44258, founder and lead teacher of Relational Somatic Healing
Rav Natan and Ruti Greenberg, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivat Bat Ayin
My clients and Moonlit Circle sisters whom I receive from as much as I give
Stuart and Marsha Dymzarov, my parents and best cheerleaders, and my in-laws Grace and Joe Pais, z"l
Rav Haim Pais, my beloved soulmate, ond our lively teenage children
HaKadosh Baruch Hu and the Shechina
Art credit:
Paintings: elishevashira.com, yoramraanan.com, Efrat Bina Yokel, Bracha-lavee.com. Photography Nesiya Skodnik; Unsplash: Sean Oulashin, Kelly Sikkema, Hannah Busing, Alexander Grey, filmplusdigital, Bonnie Kittle, Pixabay: fasilkkme. Website: EnayaWeb, Shev BRANDSHINE, logo: debabratasarker51: freelancer.
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