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Learn to love and accept who you are
while becoming who you want to be

"The spiritual bliss of the world to come is the intensely abiding joy of finally becoming who you are."

Sarah Yehudit Schneider

How somatic therapy can help you:

Anxiety, anger, and depression are normal responses to trauma and stress. 


Rather than suppressing your emotions or being carried away by them, learn to feel your feelings more fully while staying present and connected to G!d and to your integrity.


Learn to bring care and compassion to the parts of you that are struggling, heal them at their root, allow them to guide you forward, and connect you to your joys and strengths. 

Malka Sima healing somatic therapy
Image by Hannah Busing
purim night painting

Somatic Therapy

Learn to listen to the wisdom of your body, navigate life challenges, and access inner stability, authenticity, and joy in connection with yourself, others, and Hashem.

Group Workshops

Explore the exponential power of community to nurture healing and transformation as you integrate ancient Torah wisdom into body, heart, and soul-felt experiences. 

Purim High Council

Join women in your community and around the world, collectively harnessing the powerful new lights of Purim and directing them toward revealed good, healing, and Mashiach now.  

Malka Sima

I’m Malka Sima, and I look forward to joining you on this healing journey, where we’ll laugh and we’ll cry, and find heart-to-heart connection. 

My intuitive nature and spiritual path guide my practice.  I help you to tune into your body and soul’s wisdom, your strengths and places of brokenness, your yearnings and desires, and empower what’s needed to access more calm, clarity, and confidence in your everyday moments.

I offer a compassionate, safe space for women, both one-on-one and in community, to show up with all of their parts: the good, the bad, and the ugly (no shame here!).  I will hold your hand as you shine the light of awareness on the places of brokenness that are causing distress, trusting in the process, and knowing that just below the surface lies the treasure of your authentic, divinely-aligned, self. 

“Healing happens when another person is fully receiving us." 

 Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Body Mind Centering
Business and Life Coach Chana Mason Testimonial

Chana Mason,
Author and Life Coach

I came to Malka Sima to deal with trauma, fears, and insecurities. Since working with Malka Sima,  I've become more compassionate and loving towards myself and others.  I've become more attuned to my body and have developed sensory tools I've taken with me and even shared with others through my guided meditations.


Malka has a kind, compassionate nature.  She is attuned to what's alive in me and in herself.  She balances curiousity and humility with a strength that makes me feel safe!

Moriel Zaks Israel therapy Testimonial

Moriel Zaks, a wife, mother of 5 B”H and architect.

With Malka's guidance, I  have been able to allow parts of myself that were suppressed for so long to be heard. I have learned how to accept myself with love. I have learned to recognize the inner voice that is critical and judgmental, and I've learned that this voice is reacting out of fear and learned behavior. I have learned to "slow down and listen in" when difficult feelings or experiences present themselves. Malka created a safe space where I could explore the darker aspects of my life and personality. By going below the surface and seeing what is behind my words, Malka guided me through a process of self-discovery. She allowed me to connect to the spaces in me where I felt the most shame, knowing exactly what I needed at every point of the process. I have learned to do life in a much more wholesome and joyful manner. Malka Sima is the guide I needed to learn about my inner world and to feel happy and comfortable in my skin. Somatic therapy is all about understanding how all experiences live in the body, not just in the mind. I learned how to listen to my body and try to understand what it is telling me.  My life is forever improved because of her.

Nicole Zendehdel therapy transformation

Nicole Zendehdel,
Los Angeles, CA

I found Malka Sima at a time in my life when I felt a lot of pressure in so many areas, as a wife, as a mother of four, as a daughter to aging parents, as a business owner… I realized that I wasn’t coping well with life and reached out for support. I’m so happy that I did. Malka Sima’s presence, attention, encouragement, and direction were a real blessing for me. I kept notes and drawings/images from all of our sessions together and her words still come to mind when I need them. I most appreciate the gentle, calm and thoughtful way she speaks, and the times when she would remember something I had said in a previous session. It showed me how much she cares and really listens to me. It felt amazing to be seen and accepted. The greatest gift was Malka Sima teaching me to reframe my mind to go from fearing and trying to protect myself, to now loving and supporting myself. I am forever grateful to Malka Sima.

R. Noam Elimelech (I heard from Devorah Yaffa, class 7, 54 min)

“It is impossible for a person to maintain consciousness of G!d’s eminence and greatness unless he first delves into the essence of his own soul.”

“It is impossible for a person to mantain consciousness of G!d's eminence and greatness unless he first delves into the essence of his own soul."   

Reb Noam Elimelech of Lizhensk

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